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Arias Jury Having Trouble With Unanimous Decision

Oh no. After only 3 hours of deliberating over life and death for Jodi Arias, the jury has sent Judge Stephens a note that they were unable to reach a unanimous decision.  Judge Stephens spoke to the jury in court and encouraged them to continue to forge ahead, and if they have any questions on the law she encouraged them to ask her.

I'm surprised that after such a short time, they are seemingly deadlocked!  I don't know how unusual this is for a jury, but I'd imagine it's a difficult decision for each of them.  If they are unable to reach an unanimous verdict, a mistrial will be declared for this phase of the trial - they would then potentially enpanel a new jury to handle the sentencing phase. The new jury would have to accept the guilty verdict, complete with aggravators. The decision would be life or death.  How long would this process take, if they had to choose a new jury? Given the pace of the current trial, this could potentially drag out for some time - also the media coverage around the case may require them to go to another county to find jurors who haven't been saturated with news coverage on this case!  Is this part of Arias' media ploy? Is she trying to reach the next group of potential jurors?  Having listened to some of her interviews from last night, it seems clear to me that she does not believe she will receive a death sentence.

Arias was described by one reporter as a "diva" - calling the shots on what they could ask her and how she should be photographed. She insisted on the chains and jail stripes not be in the shot!  She did not want to be taped fussing over her hair, her makeup had to be perfect. Can you believe this woman? Who does she think she is?  What she said was shocking as well.  If you've seen GMA's interview between Ryan Owens and Jodi Arias, she was outright defiant. He asked her some blunt questions. He asked her why she didn't apologize to the Alexander family, Arias insisted she did apologize. Owens pressed her, "you didn't use those words".  She said that she felt the words "I'm sorry" would have been meaningless to them. Owens talked about Arias' change of heart regarding the death penalty - he asked her "why don't you give this family some closure, you know they want you dead".  Arias fell back on her family, saying killing her would only cause them pain and she said she doesn't believe in capital punishment!  Guess she doesn't believe in it, when she's facing it!

Ryan Owens asked Arias "are you ever going to tell the truth about what happened in that bathroom?"  Arias said she had told the truth, and then said "I didn't know you were a hater when you asked for this interview"!  She's using her jodiisinnocent website language, "haters".  After hearing two of her interviews, I was shocked that she seems completely unaware of how negatively people view her, that she is one of the most hated women in America! Instead, she talked about the outpouring of love and support she has received from people who want to help and support her.  UURRGGHH!!
I don't know about you all, but after watching these interviews and hearing her speech yesterday, I don't know how much more of the Jodi Arias show that we can handle - and imagine how horrible this is for the Alexander's siblings. They must cringe each and every time they see her smug mug on the television, claiming to be a "Survivor" and wanting to live so she can further the cause! Give me a break!

Let's pray that we have a positive outcome people.  We can't take another 6 months of Jodi Arias! I'm posting a link to an interesting article about the jury deliberations in the sentencing phase of Wendi Andriano trial.  It was very much a split decision, and it took them more than 4 days to reach an unanimous verdict - it wasn't easy. It took time. This gives me hope! On their 1st vote, there were 3 for the death penalty, 4 were for a life sentence and the remaining jurors were undecided.  The next vote they got to 11-1 for death, but they were on the verge of being deadlocked with one senior citizen holdout who was against the death penalty.  In the end, after weighing the mitigating factors versus the brutality of killing her husband (and her childrens father) - the mitigating factors just were not enough and they sentenced her to death.  Interesting to read how they struggled with the decision.  Here's the link:

Let's hope this jury can render a verdict and justice will finally be served in this case!


  1. I can't believe how terrified I am that they might not give her death..i want her to go to state prison a.s.a.p. So she can't give interviews and smugly insult Travis anymore!!

  2. Thank you for this blog... I need to vent... PLEASE!!PLEASE!! Give her death..if she does not get death after a week of premeditation and killing Travis 3 times, then nobody deserves it. She is EVIL!!

  3. I feel so awful for the Alexander family. The stress we feel is magnified x1000 for them. They've already waited 5 years just for this to get to trial, now they're being endlessly tortured by this disgusting excuse of a human being.

    She has devil blood in her, she truly does. There's not one ounce of kindness in her. Travis' words could not have been more true and more telling.

    I am praying for the jury. They've been enduring this for so long, they have a heavy decision placed in front of them and I do hope they're able to come up with a unanimous one. Whatever they choose, I think they deserve accolades for doing such a great job.

  4. Yes My Forte, thank you for the hope! I heard the HLN attorney commentators say what the judge did is called a dynamite or allen charge. They also said it is highly effective and Nancy Grace says it works 60 - 70% of the time. So I am more hopeful because of both of these things but also I think the jury is very dedicated.

    I do have one more comment. If JA was allowed to do interviews then the jury should be allowed to know she did them. Not the content but that she did them. JMO


    1. Sonya
      That is a good idea. The jury should at the very least be allowed to know she is babbling to the press. I think a lot of them are aware of it off the record but it should be part of the record.

    2. I agree...the jury should know! I think they should even know the content....wishful thinking.


    3. Sue, I just think maybe the jury might think her glory-seeking days are in the past and that it would make a difference if they knew how diabolical she actually is! She said no jury would convict her and now she says she's diappointed in this jury. I'm all for them letting the jury know that and that she's still trashing poor Travis. Besides Ryan Owens, all the reporters were giving her softballs. So you know what she did when Ryan Owens asked her if she was ever tell the truth? She got offended, called him a hater and then tweeted to beware of reporters "with nice smiles". Can you believe the flirt that she included in her insult?! She's vile. It's the best descriptor. I'd better stop or I'm going to start swearing LOL


    4. Agreed. I think the jury should have access to everything she says.

  5. I was watching HLN and such unadulterated BS about her “nightmares”!!!!! She’s stealing the REAL trauma that Steven told the jury about!!! In the guilt phase of the trial EACH one of her expert witnesses’ DENIED that she was having any nightmares!!!! I detest this beast.

    1. You are so right...she steals everybody else's emotions because she has none. She stole one of Travis's stories about having a gun to his head also...She is disgusting,foul,evil,cruel,shameless and conniving!!!!!

    2. That's what the Dr said border personality people do -- they take on what other people say or do. How can she have nightmares about her "fog"?

    3. NancyB & Anonymous (5/22 @ 4:26PM),
      Great observations about her borrowing other peoples grief and sorrow, whether it be via nightmares or using Travis' grandmother's death for her own sympathy. I really feel that she hates Travis now, because despite her best efforts people still think so highly of him - while there may be some people out there who believe Jodi Arias, the majority do not and that makes her mad!

  6. I know they are not supposed to but I hope the jurors who are holding out go home tonight and find out what Jodi the devil said last night and that changes their mind!

  7. I do wonder WHY JW was allowed to continuously tell the jury – Are U going to KILL her???? Over and over again. Baloney!! Jurors DON’T kill the criminal. Their job is strictly to FOLLOW THE LAW. I think that it is wrong-headed to ALLOW such “emotionally charged” and INACCURATE statements to the jury.

    1. I honestly don't know how JW can live with herself. I also couldn't believe that she would be allowed to say that.

      Juan was so respectful of JW and almost as soon as he started speaking her rude objections started. Infuriating.


  8. Must See This!!!


    Proof that she lied about 100% donations yesterday - meanwhile on her fan club blog it said "a portion" donated which is also another LIE. All monies were pocketed by her and her scamming minions.

    I wonder who is doing her tweeting now??? There were 2 new tweets today.

    No Donovan in court Mon or Tues so the wonderful lady from this blog that reported her must have made a difference!

  10. The family looked so heartbroken in court today. Just breaks me up to see them continually suffering and now ANY channel on TV that they turn on they have to see this despicable evil low life.

  11. Check out for more news.....

    1. This legal eagle site is disgusting...this person claims Travis is in hell waiting for Jodi the devil..

  12. I agree that it was unusual AND worrisome that after only 3 hrs they let the judge know that they were deadlocked. I'm glad that she re-directed them and they spent several more hrs today deliberating. I think that it's more than just one jury who can't/won't vote for the death penalty.

    Here's a good article on the Scott Peterson jury who were also initially deadlocked. They were an extraordinarily diligent and hard working jury, in my opinion. I have ultimate respect for that jury.

  13. Oops - Here's the link for the article:

  14. Jodi Arias Deliberations - Part 1 - Additional Instructions

    Jodi Arias Deliberations - Part 2 - Possible Hung Jury


  15. Everything she is doing right now - the T-Shirt, the interviews, continuing to trash TA, laughing & smiling in court today is all to hurt the Alexander family even more.

    Something is very wrong though - where was her family today?? Do they know something the rest of us don't? I also have one comment about JM's rebuttal after JA's speech yesterday. Why didn't he mention that Travis was ALREADY making a difference in this world and was even more talented than she cold ever dream of being but lost his chance to continue to help and inspire others? Did she have to murder someone and go to prison before deciding to help others?

    I also understand she admitted to having a mental illness and chose not to ever get any help. She has had 5 years to get some counselling. That might be a mitigating factor for me if I was one of the jurors. But since she didn't, it's a moot point,

    I sincerely agree that this jury has been through hell for months and has done a fine job. However, I don't understand how they could find JA guilty of first degree premeditated murder with excessive cruelty beyond a reasonable doubt by following the letter of the law but is now hung up on choosing her punishment. I wish instead of the possibility of getting a whole new jury, the judge would have to rule.

    1. Anon @ 6:08 -

      Evidence of "good character" is generally inadmissible for the State to offer.

      So Juan was not allowed to put a string of friends, character witnesses on the stand to testify on Travis' behalf. Especially to refute the allegations of pedo, sexual deviant and violent actions.

      This seems so backward to me since evidence given only by the defendant's word (lies) of bad character *is* admissible.

      The only time during a trial when this is allowed is in the penalty phase through the victim impact statements.

      The reason "good character" evidence is not admissible is because whether Travis is a good guy or a lowlife, it does not make it any more likely or not that that Jodi murdered him.

      Likewise, good character evidence about Jodi would not be admissible either -- just because she may have done good things on other occasions in the past has no bearing on whether she committed this criminal act on June 4.

      Sometimes "habit" evidence can be admissible to show that someone acted in conformity with their habit, and sometimes a definitive pattern of past behavior is admissible for certain limited purposes -- like in a battered woman defense, admissible of past abusive actions by the victim against the perpetrator would be admissible.

      IMO the evidentiary rules of a pattern of past conduct is being stretched very thin in this case, and ordinarily much of Jodi's testimony about Travis' past conduct would not be admissible, but the judge is allowing it in this case because apparently the DV expert has specifically said all of this is relevant to Jodi's state of mind at the time of the killing

  16. I have to say the Andriano case took 4 days to come back with death and they said twice the couldn't agree...

    I think this jury was just asking for help and direction. I hope I'm right.


  17. Weird Jodi Arais Websites thay will make you xxxx!

  18. How on earth can they be unanimous about extreme cruelty and not be willing to impose the DP? Weighing the extreme cruelty aggravating factor against what? A t-shirt? Pencil copies? Recycling? Book club? Good lord, this is about justice for a victim whose life was taken with extreme, premeditated cruelty. I get that she is mentally unbalanced. But she drove over 2,000 miles to kill him and then cover it up. Lied for YEARS. Still lying. She knows right from wrong. She doesn’t care. Society has a duty to impose justice and the jury is the arm of that duty. Please do the right thing.

  19. I saw Katie Wick (not sure how to spell her name!) on Dr. Drew and she said she has first hand knowledge of the jury note. It did NOT say they were deadlocked, it was a question asking the Judge what the procedure would be in the event that they can't reach a unanimous decision. So basically, they were asking in advance what the next step would be so they don't have to ask later on.

    I have faith in this jury, they asked very smart questions, they came back with the right verdict of guilt and I don't believe that, at this stage of the game, they will be a hung jury. They've invested too much time, blood, sweat and tears. It annoys me when I hear people bashing this jury, telling them to hurry up and impose the DP already. They are the juror's not us, it's easy to sit behind your computer and demand they come back with DP. But they're the ones who have to decide, not us and I have faith in them.

  20. MUST READ: #jodiarias is in for rude awakening! Thank you @DESERTSEAGULL for this brave & powerful post! RT: "I have unfortunately been in prison where she will go, and TRUST ME!!! She will NOT be the Predator..she WILL be the Prey!!! Prison is WAAAY different than that safe little jail she is in now!!! She's in for a rude awakening!!! And what she said about starting programs and clubs and helping the "illiterate" inmates..NEVER going to happen!!! She's going to be in COMPLETE isolation for AT LEAST five years, and after she manages to "program down" to a lower classification....she still needs to realize that's she's now an INMATE!! The State runs every aspect of your life, so NO she won't be contributing ANYTHING to society!! The closest she'll get is a 50 cent an hour job as a GED tutor..but that will take her YEARS and YEARS to get that "privilege". And her smug, superior attitude she has, all that's going to get her is beaten up and robbed!! So, it would be in her best interest to just SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE and get OK with the fact that as soon as that gate closes behind her at the "Perryville Complex" sign, nobody cares that she's Jodi Arias...for the rest of her disgusting life, all anyone will know about her is her INMATE NUMBER!!!" Info @josemcyntire

    1. I "think" that they limit who she can mail and who she can receive mail from, too. IF that's true, it would sure cut down on her fanclub loonies that are mailing her in jail.

  21. My Forte, Simon Johansson is responsible for both websites & long
    detailed history of scams, used to go by the name Simon Hill.
    Website is a staged planting comments. If you leave a negative comment, you will be banned. This is a marketing group that has been hired to sway
    public opinion. Jose Baez connection= Tytanium Mobile uses the same IP addy as Jody Arais, Baez law firm does advertising for Tytanium Mobile.

    1. I wish they could do something about that website.

  22. I enjoyed this blog and you might too. She described the body language for the interview she had with Owens, which was the BEST, because it showed her snarky attitude.

    1. Melissa,
      Thank you for the link, I'll check it out!


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