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Prosecutor Seeks Longer Sentence for Oscar Pistorius - Celebrities Getting Special Treatment

Oscar Pistorius - AP Photo
Olympic standout Oscar Pistorius shot girlfriend Reeva Steemkamp to death through a closed bathroom door on Valentine's Day 2013.  What a Valentine's Day to remember.  The circumstances surrounding this crime were bizarre to say the least.  I for one have a difficult time understanding how he could have mistaken his girlfriend for a burglar, prowler or someone breaking into his home.  Did he believe they stopped to use the toilet before getting on with the theft or crime?  Whatever, Oscar.

Secondly, wouldn't you immediately notice that Reeva wasn't in the bed with you at that point?  You hear a noise, you are alarmed - don't you look for the woman you are supposedly in love with to ensure she is OK?  Wouldn't protecting her be a priority?  Even with his disability, he had a gun.  Guns protect.  I don't understand (or buy) that he woke up and believed there was a stranger in the bathroom. Makes no sense, unless he was on some sort of sleep medication and not thinking clearly.  Even then, you'd look for your loved one before you started firing rounds into the closed bathroom door! 

This is where the "celebrity" justice factor comes into play.  If you believe you would receive the same sentence that Oscar got, you are fooling yourself.  He was sentenced to a paltry 6 years.  People have gotten more time for drunk driving convictions.  Pistorius was initially convicted of "culpable homicide".  In 2015, prosecutors successfully appealed the conviction and he was found guilty of murder instead.  The conviction may have been altered, but the sentence went from 5 years to 6 for murder?  Chief prosecutors Andrea Johnson called the punishment "shockingly light" and "unjust".  I agree.

The prosecutor argued the original trial judge put Pistorius' personal disability ahead of justice for Reeva Steemkamp and Pistorius has yet to show any remorse for killing his one time "love".
June Steemkamp - AP Photo
Reeva's mother June was back in court to hear the appeal for the sentence for Pistorius.  It has to be very difficult knowing what a horrible and terrifying death her daughter experienced at the hands of a man she thought would love and protect her.  This is a story that plays out for parents all over the world. Domestic violence is a cancer that needs to be cured.  Too many wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and even some men suffer in silence at the hands of someone who is supposed to love them.  Many are too embarrassed to let people know what they are going through.  Nobody wants to believe they would end up in this type of relationship.  We all believe we are strong enough to stand up to an abuser and JUST LEAVE.  Many cannot, for emotional or financial reasons - so they stay and often times no reports are filed.

Domestic violence needs to be in the spotlight, front and center.  The shame belongs with the abuser, not the victim.  The more people that bring it out into the daylight and start the discussion, the easier it will become for the victims that follow.  This wasn't supposed to be about domestic violence but I feel so strongly about it I got sidetracked.  This is about celebrity injustice.

Prosecutor Andrea Johnson is suggesting a 15 year sentence to the Supreme Court of Appeal. Will the Courts give Pistorius a sentence more appropriate for murder?  Whether it be first or second degree, he still should get more than 6 years!  We will see when the decision comes in.  Have a great weekend!

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